Remodel You Home with These 5 Gorgeous Custom Window Designs

Make your next home reno project turn into a stunner with some of our most glamorous window design options!
Photo: Fine Focus Photography
Unlike owners of ordinary apartments, owners of private homes are not limited to the shapes, sizes and design of windows. If you’re planning to build your own house or are remodelling an existing apartment or house, the question ‘What windows should I choose?’ will eventually pop up.
Windows are generally called ‘the eyes of the house’, which makes perfect sense – windows complete both the exterior and interior of your home. They give a home character and individuality, making it stand out beyond the other homes on the block – something we like to call a “curb-stunner”!
Photo: Edge Cabinet & Space Creators
Custom windows that are masterfully designed are capable of transforming even the most ordinary, boring and plain interior design. Windows let you control the atmosphere a room, the level of lightning and even the color palette.
Quick Tip: When purchasing new windows, it is SO important to find a company that has a proven record as a reliable and experienced custom window business. Companies such as Hugo Carter, have a pretty good track of creating unique designs for both custom windows and doors. Before purchasing, make sure to research ideas for custom-made windows here so you have a general idea of exactly what you are looking for.
Photo: Piston Design
1. Panoramic windows
Latest windows trends in design tell us to use large panoramic windows. Glazed from wall to wall, or even with walls entirely made of windows gives you an opportunity to let as much natural light into the room as possible as well as transform the exterior and interior of your home as a whole.
2. Unusual shapes
It is currently trendy to design custom-made energy-saving windows of any shape: round, oval, triangular, trapezoidal or rhombic. This kind of unusual shapes change the exterior of the house as well as the interior of the room in an instant.
3. Cornered window
It has proven itself successfully to design cornered windows: when two windows meet one another at a direct angle, forming a cornered window. If windows are large enough, the transition from the outside world and the room’s interior becomes unnoticed, which creates the impression of a portal into the nature.
4. Rotating and disappearing windows
Most of the times, rotating and disappearing window constructions are rather small. They are mostly used for not very spacious rooms such as hallways, bathrooms, pantries and sometimes kitchens.
5. Windows for attics
It’s probably not surprising to you that it is tough to design attics. The construction of the roof above the attic often does not allow you to experiment much. That is why it’s best to come up with the design of windows for your attic before it is even built.
For more window INSPIRATION check out our past post:
Home Eye Candy: Tour These Gorgeous Homes with Stunning Windows and Views
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