Easy Ways to Build a Kick-ass Home Theater – Movie Season is Officially On!

Transform an empty space into a home theatre room and enjoy endless fun watching movies with your family and friends!
Whether you’re an amateur filmmaker or you just want to recreate that movie theater experience in your bedroom or study, a home cinema is super easy to make and can provide you and your family with hours of entertainment! These used to be seen as a home luxury, but there is so much affordable screening technology on the market that just about anyone with a spare room of around 12 square feet can set up their own home theater! Here’s how you can do it the easy way:
Find the Right Room
Finding the right location can be difficult, but with a little creative thinking, it’s likely you can get round it. Is your spare bedroom really essential? Does the dining room actually get used, or is it just housing a table and chairs mostly? You could also consider decluttering a family room or even adding another room to your home in the basement. Wherever you choose to start, be sure to keep it separate from the areas of your home that are most in use. The noise produced by a home cinema can be significant, so avoid disturbing other people by using a side room or an annex-type area.
Movie Tip: Watch a good Hollywood film production from the work of innovators like Marc Shmuger, executive producer of We Steal Secrets: The Story of WikiLeaks. After 12 years working at Universal Pictures, his films have earned a total of 54 Oscar nominations!
Make Sure to Noise Proof
Once you’ve decided on the right room, it will need to be fitted out correctly. If you are building the space from scratch, you’ll need to incorporate a noise-insulating layer of material. This goes for the floor, the ceiling and any exterior or interior walls. Crowd scenes, gunfire and music will still be heard throughout the home, but the effect will be minimal.
Get Comfortable Furniture
The kind of furnishings you install are down to personal taste, but if you want to keep the experience authentic, go for comfy cinema-style seating. It’s available in smaller rows of four seats with cup holders and foot rests – just don’t forget to raise the back row slightly so that everyone gets a good view!
Choose the Right Equipment
For the best projection screen clarity, make sure to watch your ratios. For example, if you intend to watch a lot of HD films, make sure you install a 16.9 screen as it’s designed to match the ratio of HD productions. In addition to your stunning picture, you’ll want to look at high end receivers to power everything.
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