5 Ways to Extend the Lifespan of Your Appliances

Tired of replacing your appliances due to breakdowns and other problems? On average, most home appliances last for between eight and 35 years, depending on the specific brand, type of appliance and other factors.
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Just like scheduling regular servicing for your car can extend its lifespan, there are a variety of techniques you can use to extend the lifespan of your home appliances. Below, we’ve listed five of our favourites, from performing regular maintenance to repairing instead of replacing.
Clean, Unplug and Store out of Harm’s Way
The first step in extending any appliance’s lifespan is to keep it as clean as possible. Over time, grease, stains and dust can take their toll on appliances, ranging from your oven to your fridge, food processor and more.
When you use an appliance, make sure you clean it right away when you’re finished. As well as your oven, stovetop and other obvious appliances, it’s also important to clean the coils on your fridge, as well as the inside of appliances like your washing machine, dryer and dishwasher.
Keep your Washing Machine Level
Generally, appliances that contain the most moving parts are the first to wear out. Your washing machine contains a drum and internal motor, both of which spend a lot of their functional life in a state of motion, increasing their rate of wear and tear.
To get the longest lifespan from your washing machine, it’s important to keep it leve. Use a spirit level to check your washing machine’s surface, then adjust the legs of the machine to keep it at a matching level with your flooring for improved performance and fewer breakdowns.
Avoid Using Firm Items in Your Food Processor
Your food processor can be a great tool for blending cooking ingredients, making smoothies and speeding up many kitchen tasks. However, it’s usually best not to use your food processor to cut firm, hard ingredients like coffee beans and certain nuts. Instead, use affordable coffee makers and take the time to learn more about turkish coffee vs espresso, you’ll be glad you did!
While these ingredient will usually blend, they can damage the blades of your food processor in the process. Instead of blending them whole, try cutting them into smaller piece before you put them in your food processor, or just use your food processor the way it was intended.
Pre-wash Dirty Dishes Before Putting them in the Dishwasher
Few appliances are as handy as your dishwasher, helping you save time and avoid the work of cleaning up after preparing a meal. However, without pre-washing, it’s possible for dirty dishes to do significant damage to your dishwasher.
When you don’t pre-wash firm, sticky food items, your dishwasher might fail to completely wash them off your dishes. To improve your results and reduce wear on your dishwasher, make sure you brush away anything hard, sticky or oily before adding dishes to your dishwasher.
Broken Appliance? Get it Fixed Instead of Replacing It
Even with proper care, it’s far from uncommon for appliances to break down over time. While it can be very tempting to throw away a non-working appliance and replace it with a new one, it’s usually a better deal to simply get your old appliance repaired.
Appliance repair services like Go Assist offer competitively priced, fast repair services for a wide range of different kitchen and home appliances. Often, it’s possible to bring a broken appliance back to life for a fraction of the price of a new one, saving you a significant amount of money.
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