How to Retain the Shine of your Floor: Hardwood, Ceramic, Marble and Laminate

It is time to bring back the shine to your wooden, marble or tile floor and make your home look instantly updated, spacious and brighter!
Photo: Scott Christopher Homes
Every floor material whether Hardwood, ceramic, marble or laminate requires maintenance and occasional cleaning to retain its shine.
The points listed below will help make your floor last for long :
Hardwood Floor
All that you need to do to bring back the shine to your dull hardwood floors is a little amount of vinegar and lukewarm water. Primarily, clean the floor with an upright vacuum cleaner ensuring proper cleansing of the floor, vacuuming up all the dirt and dust particles to avoid scratching. Now take a bucket full of lukewarm water, depending on how large your space is, add 1-2 cups of vinegar, make sure you take it in the right proportion. Soak a clean piece of cloth in the bucket and squeeze it thoroughly – remove all the extra water from the cloth, you want to keep it damp and not yet.
Why use Vinegar?
1. It contains acetic acid
2. A better alternative to chemicals
3. Non- Toxic
4. Extremely effective
Ceramic Tiles
Ceramic tiles are one of the most common floor material used in homes, and if you think it has lost its shine and looks corroded, it is time to give it a little cleaning and vacuuming. Not only will a clean floor make your home’s decorating look amazing, but it will help with the dust control in your home.
Firstly, vacuum up all the dust and dirt on the floor with the help of a vacuum cleaner or by cleaning it a piece of cloth, keep in mind, the floor needs to be dry. Now take a bucket of warm water and mix a tablespoon of alcohol in the water. Dip a piece of cloth and squeeze it completely until your cloth is damp. Rigorously wipe it over the floor to better restore the shine and get rid of the corrosion formation on the tiles.
Benefits of Using Alcohol as a Cleaning Agent
1. Effective Solvent
2. Used as a preservative solution
3. Kills all allergens and bacteria
Marble Floor
Traditional flooring material was considered to be the ever shining ,Marble, which requires an occasional mopping and rigorous cleaning. Floor polishers are widely used to even and smoothen the marble floor. Unlike hardwood and laminate, vinegar should never come in contact with marble. All acidic materials or even for that instance citrus fruits like orange, desert lime, grapefruit or other kinds of fruit juices will corrode the marble and strip off its natural shine.
All you need to do is, take a bucket full of warm water and add 2-3 tablespoons of dish soap. Firstly vacuum up all the dirt, dust and debris on the floor with your cleaning equipment and clear off the floor. Secondly, Dunk in a piece of cloth in the bucket, squeezing out the extra water, keeping it damp and rub the marbles rigorously. Now again take a damp clean cloth and rub all the soap off the marble floor.
Why use Dish soap for Marbles
1. Perfectly brings out the shine of marbles
2. Dish soap doesn’t corrode the marble
3. Easy cleaning and effortless cleaning
4. Non- Toxic cleaning agent
Laminate Floor
Fashionable flooring trends like laminate bring out the best and the most classy look of the house making your neighbours envious of you, but think of the floor losing its charm and shine with time and use. Well, you do not need to worry, laminate floor cleaning is an easy and a hassle-free process, as all you need to do is run a canister vacuum to clear off all the dirt, dust and particles on the floor. Occasional mopping with a damp cloth is also a good idea to keep your laminate floor shining for long.
We understand the importance of good flooring in your house and therefore, we have given you all the essentials tips to clean and get the right shine of your Hardwood, ceramic, marble and laminate floors. Floor polishers and floor scrubbers finds it wide use at home and also at commercial cleaning companies ensuring a well polished and maintained floors at your house.
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