Installing New Windows for Winter? Follow Our Guide on How to Find the Best Window Company to Complete Your Project

Keep your home warm and insulated by installing new windows this winter! Here’s how to choose the best window company that will save you loads of cash in the long run.
Photo: RLH Studio
Although many property owners think that one windows company is much the same as another, this is not the case. Before signing any contract or paperwork, it’s crucial that you find the right windows company to get the job done. Below is a handy guide that will help ensure that you choose the right window installer the first time around.
1. Do as Much Research as Possible
Researching potential window businesses beforehand will help determine which of them offer great service and stand by their products and warranties, and which companies are best avoided. Shop around and find companies like Newmarket windows that have good credibility and years of experience. One of the best ways to conduct research is online. These days, most consumers are quick to post online reviews of companies that they have done business with, regardless of whether the service was good or bad. If you find more negative than positive reviews about a particular windows manufacturer or installer, it would be best to hire another.
[otw_shortcode_quote border_style=”bordered” background_color_class=”otw-pink-background” color=”#ffffff”]Before you decide on new windows for your home, make sure you are following all the safety regulations in your area. For example, tempered glass should be used adjacent to a door or inside a show or bath. This is a smart way of staying safe since tempered glass shatters into small, blunt pieces instead of dangerous glass chunks.[/otw_shortcode_quote]
Photo: LaRue Architects
2. Interview your Chosen Contractor
It’s not recommended that you choose a windows company based solely on their estimate or quotation. A great way to ascertain whether a particular contractor will be the right fit for the job is to schedule a face-to-face appointment that will enable you to ask questions about their products, installation methods, and after sales service. At this time, you should not be afraid to ask the contractor for references either – if they aren’t willing to provide any, chances are that you’ll be better off choosing someone else to install your new windows.
Photo: RLH Studio
3. Ask for Recommendations
If you have performed online research but still aren’t sure which contractor to hire, consider asking people you know for recommendations. Anyone who has recently had windows installed will normally be most willing to let you know whether they are happy with the end result or not.
[perfectpullquote align=”full” cite=”” link=”” color=”#ff005d” class=”” size=””]BDB Tip: Save even more money this winter using triple-paned windows. This means these windows have 3 layers of glass, which provides significant energy savings that pay for them selves fairy quickly on heating and air conditioning. Most of the time, there is gas between the panes like argon or krypton that helps with the insulation even more.[/perfectpullquote]
4. Enquire about Warranties
Before choosing a windows installation company, it’s important to ask what form of warranty will be provided on their workmanship and products. Warranties on new products should at least cover the first few years after installation. If a potential contractor isn’t willing to offer a warranty because ‘he is offering you better prices than those of his competitors,’ you should steer clear, as this could be a clear indication that inferior quality products and/or inexperienced installers will be used throughout the process. Installing new windows is by no means a cheap project, so you want to ensure that you have some form of protection in the event that anything goes wrong.
Photo: Parkyn Design
Over the years, there have been lots of companies that have gained thousands of satisfied clients, not only because they provide the best quality windows and doors; they are known for standing by the products supplied by its windows manufacturer and honoring warranties.
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