Make Your Home Sleek this Spring With our 9 Minimalist Décor Hacks

We LOVE the clean, uncluttered, and streamlined look of minimalist design. Becoming a minimalist is easier than you think with our 9 easy-peasy décor hacks!
Photo: Daily Dream Decor
Minimalist design is not just about packing the clutter away. It is about creating cleanliness, with no jarring or obvious sticking points. In many minimalist decorated homes, you will see glass shelving, with hardly-there glass clamps. All of the shelving, pieces of furniture, and décor items placed in your home should be questioned which is an important factor in creating a minimalist interior design scheme. Ask yourself why is something placed there, and does it need to be placed there?
Take a look around your home, and you may be wondering what the first tentative steps into a minimalist home actually are. Here are 9 hacks that will help you make a start and design a delightful minimalist designed interior.
1. Purge, De-clutter and Stop Bargain Hunting!
A minimalist design is not for everyone. Thus, if you are avid bargain hunter who loves being surrounded by knick-knacks and ornaments, then you may need to be honest about how well this minimalist design will sit with you.
Many people think that a minimalist design means organizing the clutter they have into boxes and hidden places that leave empty shelving and so on. This is not what minimalist design truly is. So, stop de-cluttering and start to purge.
Photo: Stuart Sampley Architect
1. Reduce
The kitchen is a place that becomes cluttered over time and if you are aiming for a streamlined, minimalist appeal in the heart of the home then the sooner you realize you don’t need three bread knives, three mixing bowls all the same size and 15 tea towels, the better. The same goes for the rest of the house.
3. Use it or lose it!
The rule with getting rid of STUFF, is if it is not used, it goes. If you are serious about minimalist design, then this is the hard and fast rule. That said, there might be something special that you cannot part with. Deciding the best place and the best way of displaying this is a key component of minimalist design. Thus glass shelving, with glass clamps with one beautiful object on it will be perfect.
Photo: Stuart Sampley Architect
4. When you buy more…
The problem when we buy something is that we think of the here and now. Buying something is an emotional decision. You like it: you buy it. Know you need to add another step. Where do you picture this object sitting within your home? Will it still look as good/be used in six months’ time? Is there a better option?
5. Clear counter tops
There is something about a clear counter top or tabletop that simply invites something to sit on it. Once something is added, more stuff gets added. Before you know, stuff is everywhere. Again. By always endeavoring to keep counter and tabletops clear, you are constantly evaluating what needs to go or what needs to remain – but it needs a place to be.
6. Replacing, Not Adding
Like the three bread knives in the kitchen, when we feel something is past its beds, we buy a replacement. But we don’t replace it; we add to it. In other words, we keep the old one ‘just in case’. Change that habit. If you are buying a new kettle, the old one needs to be recycled and so on.
Photo: Nicholas Anthony
7. Think Colour
Greys and neutrals colours are the backbone of a minimalist design but, with less clutter and stuff about the place, you will find that a room feels more open. When this is the case, a splash of bold and daring colour will work, where once it would not.
8. Start Small
Purging the whole house of stuff will take you months. And we mean it. Start with one room, one sideboard, once cupboard, one drawer. And fan out from there as your confidence and evaluating prowess grows.
9. Don’t Wait and Do It!
Many of us dream of clear table tops and kitchen counters. We dream of finding something in the place where we left it. We dream of a wide, open room that is light and airy. We love the thought of less stuff to dust, vacuum, clean and wash. You can do it, you just need to make a start, so start Now!
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