Home Tour: Family Napa Home with a Huge Wood Patio

Talk about the perfect family home! This spacious estate in Napa, California is a hidden gem with beautifully practical outdoor and indoor living spaces. With a expansive luxury kitchen, sparkling swimming pool, and a enormous outdoor deck ideal for outdoor entertaining, there really is something for everyone in this home.
The backyard of this home is where the main focus is at! California has beautiful weather almost all year around, so it’s logical to pay a lot of attention to outdoor living.
The home was built to be a family compound and to highlight the outdoor garden and deck area, which is perfect for family time. The wood patio was a good choice since wood tends to wear well and is super affordable.
I am in love with the outdoor deck – there are tons of wood grains and colors on the market to choose from, it’s just important to make sure you choose a timber that is durable, fits within your budget and suits your homes outdoor style.
Indoor and outdoor living is almost merged into one by finishing this living space with a rustic stucco finish. It really ties in with the Mediterranean style outdoors. The designer also included Moroccan accents for an exotic feel like the local artisan lighting and vegetable dyed carpets.
A big bay window and a cozy seating area makes this corner of the living room the ideal place to snuggle up to a good book. It was dressed up with a combo of Fortuny and custom lighting sconces. To give the home a more lived-in essence, French antiques were thrown into the mix.
If you have some extra space in your home, creating a kids nook where they can hang out, read books, play, and relax is probably one of the greatest investments you can make. This nook filled with toys, whimsical art lighting, and lots of comfy seating serves as a gathering place outside the children’s bunk rooms.
The heart of the home is always the kitchen and with a big bustling family, this open plan kitchen celebrates gatherings and cooking. The designer installed a copper hood to compliment the hand made artisan tile with bronze accents. The cabinets were painted gray to accent the large mahogany island.
The large, wooden deck is an ingenious way to create a comfortable outdoor living space. Instead of holding celebrations or every day festivities indoors, the covered deck provides ample seating space, a outdoor fireplace, stone pizza oven, couches, and even an outdoor television.
Along with the landscaped yard, the highlight of the backyard really is the wooden patio. Building a deck can be quite challenging for most, so it’s important to look at tons of models like Patio Living pergolas, patios, and other outdoor features before deciding on truly what you need and what will fit in your backyard.
The last memorable Patio ecenripexe I had was last year at a friends wedding celebration. The party was held at the couples home and it was a really nice and elaborate affair. Good food, good music and fantastic guests. My wife and I decided we would enjoy the lavishness of the beautiful Patio, which was covered with rose petals. With the music playing inside and the sounds of it drifting onto patio we started to dance. My wife must have gotten a bit carried away with her part of the dance because she suddenly fell through the flooring!! I was thrown for a loop seeing her struggling and squealing as I tried to help her out of the situation she was in I was FLOORED , literally to find myself in a similuar situation, up to my thigh and trying frantically to pull myself up while trying to hold onto my wife at the same time, there we were, swinging like monkeys in a tree! We finally had help to free us from that carnivorous Patio, but my pants were ruined and as for my wife, well lets just say she no longer dances on patios!