How to Get the Perfect Lawn this Spring – Tips and Tricks from Lawn Experts

This spring and summer, have the perfect lush green lawn by following our tips and tricks we’ve learned from the experts!
Photo: Harwich Homes
Achieving and maintaining a green lawn that seems to run for miles is not an easy task, but it’s not that hard either if you know exactly what you are doing. Deep watering isn’t always the case in order to keep your lawn looking it’s best. We’ve talked to local lawn experts on how to achieve a green lawn all throughout spring and a long hot summer. Here’s what we found out:
Mow Your Lawn Properly
You may now know it, but mowing your lawn plays a vital part in how thick and green your grass gets. Regular trimming is an important part of the process and knowing how to trim properly is key. Cut little (5 cm) and often instead of trimming too close to the ground. You may also want to switch directions and patterns every time you trim to avoid pressing the blades in the same direction every time.
Prepare for a Drought
In the summer months when there is less rain and hotter temperatures, make sure you prepare your grass for this kind of period. One way to do this is to treat your lawn right by mowing less often and keep your grass longer. Longer grass holds more water and stays greener longer, while trimming your grass short will have it wilted, yellow, and dried up in no time.
Give Back Nutrients
Every time we mow our grass, we are actually removing vital nutrients and vitamins in the grass that keep it looking lush and green. In order to keep our grass looking this way, we need to give back those nutrients. One way is to fertilize grass in the beginning of spring and every four to five weeks. There are tons of special lawn mixes that you can purchase from your local garden center to achieve just that.
Repair Patches and Bare Spots
Take a look at your lawn; you most likely have one bare patch that needs to be fixed up. Dead lawn patches are one of the most common problems when it comes to lawn care and maintenance. They usually form because they have been infested with weeds such as dandelions and crabgrass, or maybe have been a regular potty area for your dog. Luckily bare grass patches are easy to get fixed up. Here are a few options:
Photo: Andrew Renn
– Purchase grass sod (the grass you buy rolled up). This is an easy instant lawn fix since you can simply cut the grass and plant it where needed. The only problem is that grass sod may be a little hard to blend in with the rest of your lawn.
– Plant more grass seed. First mix your grass seed with soil, sprinkle over your bare patches and water regularly. Grass seed may take three weeks to germinate so be patient and persistent with your watering.
Hire an Expert
If you are having big troubles with your lawn sometimes it’s best to let the professionals handle it. I highly recommend considering TruGreen lawn care, tree and shrub care to professionally take care of your lawn. If necessary you can also request all natural and organic services from them, which makes it perfect, if you have kids and pets. To get started, simply request a quote and see if they would be the right fit for your lawn.
Water Right
Watering your lawn the right way will save you a ton of money on water, as well as keep your lawn in the best possible shape. A water hose timer is a must-have, as there are many factors that come into play with a watering schedule. Make sure not to water during the day as water evaporates too quickly. Also do not water at night since water sits on top of the grass and mold can form quickly and easily. The best time to water is right in the morning from 4:00 – 10:00. It is also best to water vigorously, once a week for an hour or so instead of every day for 15 minutes.
This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of TruGreen,ca. The opinions and text are all mine.
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