What Factors Influence Furnace Efficiency?

When winter arrives, we all want to spend as much time as possible in our own homes where there’s warmth and coziness. We have to thank the furnaces for that!
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A furnace is one of the main devices that provides warmth in people’s home. So, since it’s an important device, you need to take care of it. Proper maintenance can reduce technical issues, costly repairs and even save money in the long run.
When the temperatures get really low throughout winter, naturally you’d want to increase the efficiency of your device. But, how do you do that and save money on energy bills? The cost of living has risen so much the past two years, so people are afraid of spending so much money on bills.
If you want to ensure your furnace operates at optimum capacity, you need to make sure nothing disturbs its efficiency. Not many homeowners are aware but there are several factors that can affect furnace efficiency. You need to check out this link to discover more info.
You should also that the furnace’s efficiency is measured by its AFUE rating. The higher the rating, the more efficient your furnace is. For example, if your device has a rating of 95%, this means it uses less fuel to heat your entire house. Anything lower than that requires more fuel.
Speaking of factors that can affect its performance and efficiency, here’s what you need to be aware of:
Dirty Filters
Did you know that dirty air filters decrease your furnace’s efficiency a lot? If you neglect them, dirt and other particles can start to build up preventing air flow from escaping the device for good. If you’ve noticed that the furnace doesn’t heat you adequately, you should definitely look into the filters first.
With clogged filters, the unit will work twice as hard to provide you with what you need and consumes more energy than necessary.
Chancing them can improve its efficiency a lot. How often you do that depends on several factors like how often you take the time to clean your device, whether you have pets or not, etc. It’s best to check the filters every month just to be sure. A good idea is to check out this page for more tips.
High Thermostat Settings
If you set your thermostat high, your furnace will use a lot of energy to provide warmth to your rooms. Since you want to save on bills and make sure your device runs as smoothly as possible, you need to lower your thermostat until you find a temperature you’re comfortable with. This way, even the load on your furnace will ease.
Very Poor Insulation
The main role of proper insulation is to function as a barrier for your home so no cold air comes through the windows or doors. If you have insolation, all the heat your furnace releases will stay put inside the house and provide your entire family with warmth.
If you don’t have good insulation, the furnace will work harder to achieve the desired temperature. So, if you’re tired of getting high bills each month, consider investing in insulation. This way, your furnace efficiency won’t be affected and you’ll save a lot of money in the long run.
Air Leaks and Leaky Ducts
If you haven’t sealed your ducts properly, don’t be surprised if heated air escapes from your home constantly. This goes for leaks as well. The more you have them around your home, the harder it will be for your furnace to heat the rooms.
What you should do is seal those holes as soon as possible so your device won’t have to waste a lot of energy trying to maintain a constant temperature. Inspect your home thoroughly to locate the issues and fix them quickly before winter arrives.
These are just some of the reasons that might be affecting your furnace’s efficiency. You should make sure to maintain your device as often as you can, because otherwise you’ll end up with costly repairs or perhaps even a replacement furnace. If you want to save as much cash a possible, make sure your furnace serves you for as long as it can.