How to Keep COVID-19 Out of Your Home with UV-C Light

The news is full of stories about how COVID-19 is affecting the world. But what about the impact it’s having on households?
It’s almost impossible to know if the virus has found a way into your house, and this has caused stress and anxiety to go through the roof. You can’t clean everything with soap and water—mail, packages, food, sofa cushions, electronics. It’s just not possible. But do you really have to live with the anxiety knowing that COVID-19 could be anywhere? Not anymore. Thanks to new sterilization technology, you can now clean EVERY surface in your home and know with 99.99% certainty that it’s COVID-free.
This new technology is called Allume. It’s a portable UV-C light radiation wand that kills COVID-19 near-instantly with 99.99% effectiveness. And, you don’t need soap, water, or chemicals, so you can use it on everything you own. To help families combat the pandemic, the price of Allume has been reduced by 50% while supplies last. Get yours now at
What is Allume?
Allume is the cleaning tool that’s letting thousands take back their homes from COVID-19 and regain their confidence on the go. Allume is a UV-C light wand that shines COVID-killing UV-C radiation on any surface, eliminating 99.9% of the virus instantly. It’s a bit like a flashlight, but it contains 16 powerful bulbs that kill microbial life. Imagine how much easier your life would be if you could sterilize ANY surface in seconds and know for certain it was COVID-free. No soap, no water, no chemicals. No scrubbing, getting down on your knees, or donning rubber gloves and masks. All you need to do is shine Allume’s UV-C light on any surface for instant peace of mind.
Does it Really Work?
Yes. Allume uses technology recommended by both the CDC and the University of Columbia’s Irving Medical Center to eliminate COVID-19. The CDC stated that UV-C light was one of the most promising methods for COVID-19 disinfection. And Columbia University highly recommended it as a method for safely and effectively killing COVID-19. Allume’s manufacturer, Violet Healthcare, utilizes top medical-grade technology and components to build each wand. Here are just a few of the features that make this tool a stand-out way to clean:
- 16 UV-C bulbs: 1 bulb is enough to kill COVID-19. With 16 bulbs, you know for certain the job is done right.
- 99% effective: UV-C light is used in hospitals and industrial settings because it’s the most reliable way to sterilize surfaces, air, water, fabrics, tools, food, and more.
- Kills COVID-19 and more: UV-C light kills COVID-19 and other harmful microbes such as bacteria, viruses, mold, allergens, fungus, and more.
- Foldable and portable: Allume folds down to the size of a normal flashlight. You can use it at home and on the go with ease.
- Wireless and fast-charging: Allume charges quickly and works for 5-6 hours per charge. No wires are necessary. It charges with a USB-C cable just like your phone.
- Environmentally Friendly: Stop cleaning with chemicals, wipes, towels, and rags. They just spread the disease around and end up in a landfill. Allume kills COVID-19 and leaves nothing behind.
How Does Allume Kill COVID-19?
Allume kills COVID-19 with UV-C light. This type of light is in the ultraviolet spectrum, and it contains radiation that kills viruses and bacteria. It might sound dangerous, but UV-C is the same type of light that comes from the sun. in fact, it’s what causes you to get a tan at the beach (but please don’t shine Allume on your skin—see the next section).
When UV-C light interacts with COVID-19, the radiation destroys the outer layer of the virus and renders it inactive and harmless. In this way, the UV-C light kills the virus almost instantly. UV-C light is so effective at killing viruses and harmful microbes that it’s officially recognized as a germicidal agent by the FDA.
It’s especially effective because it kills harmful microbes on so many surfaces. It even kills viruses and bacteria in the air and in water. Because COVID-19 thrives on many surfaces that cannot be easily cleaned with chemicals or water, Allume allows you to clean much more thoroughly at home and on the go. Allume quickly and effectively cleans:
* Doorknobs
* Mail and packages
* Grocery deliveries
* Fresh produce
* Linens and clothes
* Public bathrooms
* Public transport seating
* Elevator buttons and so much more…
You can clean all of these things and many more without wipes, sticky sanitizers, or rags. At the push of a button, you can kill 99.99% of COVID-19 just by shining a flashlight at it.
Is UV-C Light Safe?
Yes. Using Allume is one of the safest ways to sterilize your home, especially if you have young children. Keeping gallons of toxic chemicals and cleaners on hand is a huge health risk. If even a little bit makes it from your counter to someone’s food, it could result in serious illness. Allume eliminates that risk entirely. But, just like too much sun is not good for you, Allume’s concentrated UV-C lighting should not be shined on the skin, face, or eyes. Luckily, Violet Healthcare has taken precautions to prevent this from happening.
Allume’s lights are only on one side of the wand, so you’ll never be exposed to the light while using it. It also contains a gravity sensor, so if you accidentally turn the wand in your direction, the lights will automatically turn off. The on-off switch is also child-proof to keep nosy fingers away.
Keep Your Family Safe with Allume
Don’t let the pandemic anxieties take over your home. Everyone is afraid during this unprecedented time, but with Allume, your home can be a safe haven. UV-C light is the only way to guarantee a COVID-free environment, and it’s the only method that kills the virus on surfaces, in the air, and in liquids. It’s also the only way to eliminate the virus from surfaces that can’t be washed, such as electronics, paper, grocery items, and things you have to touch outside your home.
Now, you can get an Allume UV-C wand for 50% off. Violet Healthcare has cut the price by over $100 dollars in order to help families during the pandemic. But unfortunately, due to high demand, shipping times are increasing. Order now and you’ll receive your Allume within 2 weeks. With cooler weather and flu season coming, every day counts.
Visit now and order your Allume while supplies last.
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