Dream Home Décor – Sticking to Your Budget for the Final Finishing Touches

Putting the final finishing touches on your newly decorated home? You can still get high style for less AND work within your budget with our easy décor hacks!
Get Your Lighting Right Like the Pros
Lighting is the secret weapon to instantly transforming a space with almost no effort at all! Everything in your home depends on light and every other bit of décor can be transformed simply by changing the way it is lit. To achieve a transformation using lighting, install the right type of lighting for your space. Recessed, spot lights, hanging chandeliers, and even skylights will make or break your room.
Remember that if you CAN get natural light, then promote it as much as possible! Natural light is completely free and healthier than artificial alternatives. As houselogic.com explains, the right lighting makes you appreciate every color in the room, especially your new paint job!
Update Inexpensive Blinds
Walk into a home decorating store and you will find that the world of window treatments has come a long way since you first purchased your home. Window blinds are especially getting closer to the status of artwork, but at a stiff price. Bring down the cost by investing in plain old white Venetian blinds, wooden slat blinds, or bamboo blinds. If you like, you can buy some paint and customize them to better match your newly decorated space.
Choose Concrete Countertops
EVERYONE aspires to gave those gorgeous marble countertops, but keep in mind that any top of the line countertop material is going to take a bit bite out of your décor budget. You can customize concrete countertops and actually make them look like real marble or even granite without ever being able to tell the difference! What’s even better with concrete, is it is MUCH more durable than any type of exotic rock used for countertops.
Consider a Reverse Mortgage
If you are tight on cash to finish off your home remodel, remember that you always have a home finance option to reverse your mortgage. You must be at least 62 years old and already have paid off your existing mortgage. What’s great is that the mortgage company pays you instead of you paying them, sending you a monthly check, lump sum, or a line of credit. If you are interested in considering this, you can read NASDAQ’s “Reverse Mortgage Advice: 4 Things to Carefully Consider” for some great advice. You can then use the payout to finally add the finishing touches to your dream home!
Quick Tip: Cutting costs is easy, just make sure to use your imagination and do your research. There are tons of other options, ideas, and DIY projects that can get you a high-end look for a lot less!
Photos: Homedit, Style at Home, Bloglovin, Domaine Home, Decoholic, Amber Interiors
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