4 Easy Last Minute Tips to Save Your Patio Furniture This Winter!

With all the hustle and bustle around Christmas and the Holidays, you’ve probably forgotten take a look outside at how your summer patio furniture is doing! One thing you definitely don’t want is falling apart, rusty, and moldy furniture by the time spring and summer rolls around. It’s not too late to save your furniture and protect it from harsh winds, extreme weather conditions, and the need to buy a new set come next year! Follow some of these last minute tips that will save you thousands:
1. Give it a Good Cleaning
This is probably obvious, but most people fail to do this step before putting their furniture away for winter! If you fail to clean your furniture properly, mold will grow and spread quickly which will leave your furniture looking worn and torn by the time the warm months arrive. Cleaning is super easy – just use a sponge and a simple dish soap solution to give it a good scrub down and rinse. If you have stains, mix 1 cup ammonia, ½ cup vinegar, and ¼ cup baking soda with 1 gallon of water to get them out.
2. Slather on a Protective Coat
Now this obviously matters where you are living in the country, but if it’s still warm outside this is totally do-able. After you clean up your furniture, slather on a protective coat. Aluminum or plastic can be covered with a thin coat of car wax and wicker furniture works well with a paste wax. If you have metal furniture, make sure to scrub off the rusty parts with a wire brush and spray the whole piece of furniture with a silicone sealant. Your furniture will look spanking new come springtime!
3. Cover and Protect
Furniture covers are great if you don’t have enough space to store your furniture in the garage or shed. You can easily stack your furniture and pull on a weather resistant cover for extra protection from rain, snow, wind, and other outdoor elements that will only ruin your furniture. Look for something that is UV resistant and waterproof to get the best out of your buck.
4. Use the Right Type of Cushions
It’s super easy to add soft cushioning to your furniture but it’s sure not made to withstand the same beating the furniture itself can take. If you leave your furniture out a lot, it’s super important to pay attention to this aspect. I hate hauling in the cushions every time a rainstorm rolls in so I opt for special quick-drying foam materials from The Foam Factory that cushion the seating. The foam or marine cushioning is designed to have open pores, which drains water and air, quickly drying unlike a regular cushion that holds moisture and leads to breakdown.
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