These 5 Tips will Make Your House Look HUGE in Minutes!

Kristin Drohan
Everyone wants to make their house look bigger and brighter than it already is. We are ALL guilty of stuffing our homes with furniture, knickknacks and things that we really don’t need. Making your home look several square feet bigger is not hard – it just takes a few decorating tricks from the experts. Here’s how you can do it at home in minutes:
Rikki Snyder
1. Tear it Down!
If you have heavy drapery around your windows, take them down immediately! This not only makes your space look smaller, but it closes up your window completely making it look super tiny. Even if you have dark blinds, swap them for lighter colored blinds or even roller shades that look almost invisible.
Summerour Architects
2. Cover a Wall with Mirrors:
This is an old decorating trick, but it works! Cover a whole wall with mirror tiles to visually make your room look bigger. What’s trending now is to lay your mirror tiles diagonally to make a diamond shape on your walls. You can also use a sponge and some paint and do an antique-ing technique to make them look old and romantic.
Laura U Inc.
3. Go Lighter:
It’s true, dark colors close up a room and make it look cramped and small. Open up your space with a bright, fresh color, which will promote natural light and make it look larger. I love the look of light grey – it’s really refreshing and definitely modern.
Rikki Snyder
4. Don’t Block a View:
Having a good view is PRICELESS so don’t block it with heavy furniture like a buffet table in the dining room or a big wardrobe in your bedroom. Embrace the outdoors and keep furniture farther away from your window. You’ll be able to see a nice view and plus you’ll get a lot of light pouring into your room all day long. I have big bay Ambassador Windows at the front of my home and keep furniture far away as well as any bushes and plants outdoors – it’s a shame to block a great view!
Laura Hardin
5. Use the Same Colors:
The worst thing you can do is use a different color for each room. This visually separates each room and makes your home look choppy. Instead, wrap up your whole bottom or second floor in the same color to wrap up all the rooms together. This way, you will get a seamless look and make your home looks like it goes on for miles.
Cook Architectural Design Studios
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