Start Entertaining Outside! Expert Tips Before Building a New Deck this Spring

Spring is just around the corner – can you believe how fast the winter flew by? With the warm weather slowly creeping its way across the country, it’s definitely time to start bringing entertainment outdoors; and it all starts with a sturdy new deck. If it’s your first time building a new deck, you definitely need to do some homework before you even consider getting your hands dirty. We’ve rounded up some of the best tips from the experts to help you save time, money, and lots of sweat down the road:
Steven Paul
Keep it Simple
If it’s your first deck project, keep your skill level in mind and opt for something simple like a single platform with one set of stairs. The worst thing is to tackle on a complex project loaded with trial, error, and wasted materials.
Renewal Design Build
Choose Materials Wisely
Real woods like cedar and redwood may be traditional, classy choices but don’t last as long down the road. You may get a luxurious rich appearance, but be prepared to re-polish and lacquer your deck every few years. Synthetic materials such as vinyl cost less and last decades. Visit Davies Timber and get accustomed to some of the best supplies to use for your deck.
Sarah Greenman
Invest in Good Quality Screws
Don’t opt for the cheapest screws on the market! Invest in high quality stainless steal or coated screws to avoid a rickety deck, and even discoloration on the wood to extend your deck’s life.
Tim Barber
Place the Bark Side Up
When laying your deck’s boards, remember to keep the bark side facing up and so that the end grain growth curves upward. This way, you can prevent water from pooling in the middle of the deck, and drain off of it instead.
Jeffrey Gordon
Use Invisible Screws
If you want a flawless look to your deck, hidden fasteners will leave your deck’s surface with a clean look rather than having loads of screwheads visible throughout.
Steven Paul
Choose Your Deck Levels
If you need more space on your deck but are limited with a smaller yard, construct two or three levels on your deck instead of making the platform bigger. This way you can have multiple areas for entertaining, like one for the seating area, barbeque, and the hot tub.
Anthony Cusat
Protect and Seal Your Deck
The final step to completing your project and making it last as much as possible, is to properly seal it to help prevent the wood from rotting. The best way to preserve your deck is with a water repellant preservative from your local home improvement store. Shop around and find the best option for your decks environment and your budget.
Slater Associates
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