Prevention is the Key to Optimal Pest Control  

Insects and small rodents or critters spread disease, causing parasites and contagions and damaging the household. These are referred to as pests. The unwanted intrusions wreak havoc on homes and are harmful to our health.   

In a worst-case scenario, a couple of these pests can turn into a whole infestation that is challenging to manage. Prevention is key to keeping these visitors from entering the house, helping you stay ahead of potential infestations. What are the ideal methods of prevention? Let’s learn.  

Ideal Methods for Pest Prevention  

Pests start to scurry or crawl into our personal space when the warmer weather comes along. Fortunately, you can keep these pests at bay before noticing just one turns into a full-fledged infestation.  

Prevention is key, but how do you avoid the problem from the start? Visit here for tips on natural pest control prevention.  

Here are a few tips to keep your home free from insects, small rodents, and unwanted critters before they invade your space.  

Water leaks  

Water fixtures, leaky pipes and other plumbing issues must be addressed at the first sign of a problem. Pests need little water to thrive and leaking plumbing hidden from view is the ideal resource for these nuisances.   

Routinely inspect for leaks in the household and stay ahead of plumbing maintenance with preventive measures. It doesn’t matter how insignificant the problem might appear; the slightest amount is enough for an insect.  

Food Areas  

Rodents and cockroaches can thrive on mere crumbs meaning the scraps on the dishes in the sink and those tiny morsels left on the counter are plenty to indulge a pest. After a meal and before heading off to bed, wipe down the counters and clear off food areas since critters are busiest at night and when you’re absent.  

The outside of jars and bottles should be wiped down where the contents might have overflowed, like honey or jam.  

Storage Containers  

Invest in adequately sized, airtight containers to store pantry products and meal leftovers. Food packages are not a deterrent for insects or rodents. You’ll want to take items out of the packaging and put them directly into containers once arriving home from shopping.   

Veggies and fruit should be refrigerated to avoid pests who tend to steer clear of the fridge due to the extreme temperature.   

Inspect Packages  

Any package that’s delivered should be thoroughly inspected for signs of infestation before bringing it into your household. Infestations occur from pests living in packaging materials more often than people realize.   

This includes groceries, ensuring food items are not contaminated with insects or eggs.  


Prevention involves keeping the home decluttered. Clutter is an attraction for insects and critters because it’s safe for them to hide from threats, predators, including your pets and you.   

Clutter can include paper products and cardboard materials since these not only serve as shelter for many pests but can also be a good food source.  

The Garbage  

The garbage in the house can either be taken outside for easy pest prevention after the evening meal or buy a pest-proof bin with an airtight lid. The bin outside should also be incredibly durable and pest-proof, disallowing larger wildlife and pests like rodents, raccoons, and possibly bears.  

Periodically, wash the bins to keep them clean and reduce the chance of attracting critters, even when the container is empty. Go here for guidance on selecting a pest control service.  

When on Holiday  

Even in the most lavish hotels, bed bugs can be a problem. You should pay attention wherever you go, regardless of the price point, by thoroughly inspecting for these pests in each place you stay. Pull up the linens and check the mattress for visible signs of feces, which appear as rust-colored specks.  

Also, look at the behind picture frames, drawers, electrical outlets, and other areas where pests can leave residue. Once you wear an outfit, seal it in a bag to keep anything from being transported back home. After arriving home, vacuum the baggage, wash clothes in hot water, and dry them on the hottest setting.   

Bed bugs are considered one of the most difficult pests to get rid of once your home has become infested. When you take preventive measures, you can avoid bringing these into your home where professionals must take over the elimination process.   

Final Thought  

These are ideas meant to control pests before they become an issue, prevention. If you already have a problem, it’s essential to reach out to a trusted, reputable pest control service like Avenge Pest Control Company. Infestations have the potential to grow out of control rapidly.  

Most DIY efforts are ineffective against a full-fledged infestation; in fact, possibly making them worse. The professionals have the knowledge and expertise along with the proper tools and equipment to eradicate pests fully the first time, with little chance of them returning. 
