Tips for Making Your Home Feel Relaxing

Your home is meant to be the ultimate source of comfort, but it can also be a cause of stress and frustration. Here’s how to make your home extra relaxing!
Photo By: Justin Doyle Homes
Whether you live in an apartment, condo, townhouse, or a home, you surely have several responsibilities to upkeep your living space. Falling behind on this or getting overwhelmed by it can cause resentment and anger. When your living area brings you more frustration than peace, you aren’t ever allowing yourself to properly relax. This will keep you in a state of high tension, which is bad for your mood, mental state, and overall health.
Especially if you spend a lot of time in your home, optimizing for a stress-free lifestyle will create a calm atmosphere and a welcoming environment. This involves eliminating all unnecessary stressors and making minor adjustments that yield significant dividends. To help you make your home more relaxing, we’ll give you a few powerful tips below.
Photo By: Durston Saylor
Remove Clutter
You should begin by removing clutter within your home. While having more furniture, decorations, and assorted items throughout your home can make it feel more occupied, it also creates a lot to process. Anytime you walk into a filled room, your mind has a lot to look at and think about. You might not consciously think about the clutter in your home. Instead, you’ve likely accommodated it as part of your life. You might follow specific paths through a room because it is the only available route. About clutter, less is more. You should focus on creating open spaces and limiting the number of items in the room. This means that there shouldn’t be toys, clothes, shoes, bags, or anything else that isn’t furniture on the floor. It is in the way and will cause you stress whether you realize it or not.
Decluttering your home results in greater organization. This makes it simple to navigate your house and find what you need when you need it. As a result, there will be less chaos and more order to your life, which will keep you calm.
Softer Lighting
Once you have less going on, you can incorporate softer lighting to make your rooms feel cozier. Think about how your eyes feel after spending long periods in the rooms of your home. Do they hurt? If so, it’s likely due to the lighting you have. Most modern lighting fixtures provide harsh lighting that will hurt your eyes. Furthermore, your lights may be overly bright. If your lights are too bright, then it will be hard to unwind with the light constantly in your eyes. No lights may be too dark, so keeping them on may feel like your only choice.
Instead, you should consider looking into softer lighting. Warm yellows are soft on the eyes while still providing ample lighting. This may seem complicated, but it’s quite simple to achieve. You can swap out your current light bulbs or hang up string lights throughout your home. Lighting makes a huge difference in the atmosphere of a room. When the lighting is warm and cozy, you’ll naturally feel relaxed and right at home.
Photo By: Christina Karras
Calming Scents
Another highly relaxing technique is to use pleasant, calming scents throughout the house. Smell is one of the most neglected senses. This is unfortunate because good scents can massively improve your mood and sense of wellbeing. Think about a time that you smelled something revolting. Was it hard for you to focus on anything else, let alone enjoy your time? Probably.
While your house might not stink, it probably doesn’t smell good. If you add a pleasant smell to your house that fills you with joy, then you’ll feel a little better every time you sniff it. Consider purchasing scented wall plug-ins, candles, oil diffusers, or room sprays. Many different solutions will make your home smell divine and cozy, which will help you feel relaxed.
Photo By: Roughan Interior Design
Separate Work and Play
A final suggestion is to firmly separate the work and play areas in your home. You might not think twice about working in bed or sleeping in your office, but you’d be better off separating the two. The reason for this is that your brain associates the areas of your home with what you tend to do there. This means that your bedroom is meant for sleeping and relaxation. If you bring work in there, then it disturbs your vibe and will make it difficult to unwind.
On the other hand, choosing to work in one location can improve your productivity and remind you to switch off work-mode when you leave the area. When you want to relax, you can go to other areas of your home where work doesn’t follow you. It may seem unnecessary, but separating work and play will improve your enjoyment in life. You will be more appreciative of your relaxation and it will be easier to immerse yourself in it.
Closing Thoughts
If you spend a lot of time at home, you should make it as relaxing as possible. Your environment directly affects your mental state and how you approach the day, so a relaxing home translates to a peaceful mind. You can make your home feel more relaxing in several ways. This includes removing clutter, using softer lighting, adding calming scents throughout your house, and separating work and unwind areas.
You deserve to feel blissful and comfortable in your own home. Remember that you can control and change your environment, so take the reins and make changes that make you love your space even more!
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