Turn Your Shack into a Mini Backyard Bar

Barbeques, cookouts, pool parties – I love summer entertaining! Enjoying it is the easy part, but making it happen – not so easy. Take a look at your shed: is it looking a little neglected lately? Bring it to life this summer with a whole new mini-bar makeover. Here is a little check-list to get you started:
- Install a tin ceiling with a fan lamp for circulation
- Use patterned flooring and rugs to mask the look of dirt or dust
- Bar stools are a must but you can also bring in a sofa for extra comfort
- For a kid-friendly version of this bar use tough outdoor fabrics with UV protection
- Install black-out blinds or curtains to block out the suns hot rays during the day. Also install a net curtain to keep out bugs during the evening.
- A great sound system is sure to get your party rocking!
- Roll out a durable sisal rug like the ones from Rug Centre
- A mini-fridge is a must to keep cool drinks and snacks
- Don’t make it too formal – roughed out furniture makes everyone relaxed and makes an easy-to-clean after party

Schuyler Samperton Interior Design
Mina Brinkley
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