Does Bedroom Decor Design Influence Sleep Quality?

Your bedroom isn’t just a place to sleep—it’s a carefully curated environment that can either enhance or disrupt your ability to rest deeply!

I’ve always been one of those people who felt a comfy mattress was the only thing needed for a good night’s sleep. So, when I moved into a new apartment, I didn’t pay too much attention to my bedroom decor. 

Sure, I threw in my work desk and a bedside drawer so the space doesn’t look too empty, but I kept everything else pretty much how I met it. Talk about taking the minimalist vibes too far!

The result was a couple nights of tossing and turning endlessly in my man-cave and scrolling through TikTok until past midnight because sleep was beyond reach. Plus, I had a couple drowsy mornings at work as a result of little night-time rest. 

Somehow, I stumbled on some research about bedroom decor and sleep quality that inspired some redesign. Long story short, I’ve never slept better. So, if you’re wondering whether the ambience in your room can influence how you sleep, it definitely can, and I’ll show you how in this blog post: 

  1. Something About Colors 

The colors in your bedroom are another element that can determine whether you doze off quickly immediately after hitting the sheets or spend a couple more hours staring frustratingly at the ceiling. Some studies have shown that walm colors can help us sleep more easily compared to brighter hues. 

The idea is that these softer colors make us feel more relaxed and calm, resulting in faster and longer sleep. Of course, the type of colors that influence sleep can differ based on individuals, but ideally, you want to paint your room with anything that isn’t bright or too intense. 

So if you’ve got a super comfy mattress from Nest Bedding for relaxing nights, update your bedroom colors to supercharge its effects!

  1. Keep the Lighting Low 

Chances are you already know about this one. Sleeping in a room lit with bright light is pretty much impossible. It’s almost as if the lighting in the room tells your body it’s not yet nighttime, so you won’t be getting any rest. 

Well, according to medical science, that’s exactly what happens. Apparently, our bodies have a circadian clock that signals when to be awake and sleep, and light is one of those elements that regulates the clock. 

Bright light in your room keeps your body alert, delaying your evening rest. It can also delay the release of melatonin—a hormone that’s important for helping us sleep. 

So, to get that beauty sleep, it’s important to keep the lights off in your bedroom (and that includes smartphones and PCs). 

  1. Say No to Clutter 

Your bedroom is a space for relaxation, so it should be completely clutter-free. A disorganized space can increase your stress and anxiety levels, making it harder to fall asleep.

Laundry, books, and other items that litter the setting should be neatly organized into closets and drawers. While you’re at it, I recommend moving your office desk to another room too. 

It’s something I had to do while redecorating my bedroom because having my PC there meant work was easily accessible and could distract me from sleep. You might want to also consider taking out your TV and keeping other gadgets (yes, I’m talking about your smartphone) outside your sleeping space.

Final Thoughts

Sleep is an important part of a healthy life. Our bodies need to recharge after a long day, and that evening rest is how the reset happens. But you can’t fall asleep in a space that isn’t conducive to it. 

That’s why you need to make your bedroom a rest-worthy space with relaxing decor. Warmer colors, minimal lighting, and zero clutter can help you sleep faster and better at night. 
