7 Lawn Maintenance Tips to Keep Your Grass Looking Healthy

Are you embarrassed by the current state of your lawn? Is your grass beginning to appear patchy or sparse? Are you looking worriedly at your lawn’s brownish hue?
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The landscaping industry has seen a significant spike in revenue in recent years; in 2019, it generated total revenue of over $99 billion in the U.S. alone.
Fortunately, you don’t always need a professional landscaper to keep your lawns in great shape. Whether your lawn is thriving or merely striving, here are seven top lawn maintenance tips that will keep your lawn looking its best at all times.
1. Develop a Watering Plan
There are plenty of misconceptions floating around with regard to irrigation. Many homeowners overwater their grass, while others don’t give their lawns nearly enough nourishment. Identify the best times to water your grass and choose the right watering pattern for your lawn. This might even require you to invest in a different sprinkler system—one that offers better coverage for your lawn. Do your research, craft a watering schedule, and make sure your grass is getting an ideal amount of water each day!
2. Remember to Fertilize
Ample water and sunlight will go a long way towards enhancing your lawn’s appearance, yet it’s important that you also fertilize your lawn. Naturally, the soil will contain many of the nutrients your grass needs to thrive; but as your lawn grows and is mowed, your soil is unlikely to contain all of the resources that your grass requires. An organic fertilizer—applied once every two or three months—will provide a much-needed boost!
Just be sure to keep all fertilizer products labeled at all times and keep them out of the reach of children and pets. Certain products have been linked to cancer, neurological effects, and birth defects.
3. Keep your Lawn Clean
While definitely essential, proper nourishment isn’t the be-all and end-all of lawn maintenance. The health of your lawn also depends on how tidy you keep it. Particularly if you have young children who like to play with toys outside and kick balls around the yard, make sure you keep an eye out for any objects that could be blocking areas of grass from receiving proper sunlight, water, and fertilizer. Make an effort to clear all objects from your lawn in a timely manner, as neglecting to do so will likely result in sparse grass and patches of visible soil scattered across your property.
4. Always Pick up After Pets
While it might be tempting to leave pet droppings on your lawn to decompose naturally, keep in mind that this process takes a significant amount of time. In colder conditions, it can take up to 12 months! Well before the waste has had a chance to decompose, you’ll start to notice patches of dead grass and bare soil form across your lawn. Instead, be diligent about picking up after your pet. You’ll find that this relatively minor inconvenience will save you plenty of headaches down the road.
5. Cut your Grass at the Right Height
Did you know that shorter isn’t better? If you’re like most people, you’ve probably set your blades close to the ground in order to avoid mowing as frequently. However, setting your mower’s blades any shorter than a few inches from the ground often results in a bad cut—causing the tips of your grass to develop a lifeless, brownish color. The ideal cutting height for most lawns is between 2 ½ and 3 ½ inches. While setting your blades to this height might require you to mow more often, your lawn’s enhanced appearance will be worth the extra work.
6. Maintain your Lawnmower
Like all machines, lawnmowers break down over time. When the blades on your mower become dull, they will no longer deliver a sharp, uniform edge for your grass. Rather, they will leave your lawn with an uneven, jagged cut. Over time, this will cause your grass tips to take on a brownish tint.
Fortunately, maintaining your lawnmower isn’t nearly as difficult as it might sound. Simply servicing the blades once or twice annually will allow them to stay sharp throughout all mowing seasons!
7. Get Help from a Pro!
Remember, taking care of your lawn is hard work. If watering, fertilizing, and maintaining your mower is a little over your head, or if you simply the lack the time or money to invest in your lawn, consider hiring a professional who can handle all of your lawn care needs.
Today’s landscaping and lawn maintenance experts can draft up a maintenance schedule that will keep your lawns looking lush and healthy year-round—and with very little effort needed on your end!